Facebook Open-sources DeepFocus Algorithm for More Realistic Varifocal VR Rendering – Road to VR

Facebook Open-sources DeepFocus Algorithm for More Realistic Varifocal VR Rendering – Road to VR

DeepFocus is Facebook’s AI-driven renderer that’s said to produce natural looking blur in real-time, something that’s poised to go hand-in-hand with the varifocal displays of tomorrow. Today, Facebook announced that DeepFocus is going open source; while the company’s wide field of view (FOV) prototype ‘Half Dome’ may be proprietary, their deep learning tool will be…

Lemnis Demonstrates Latest Varifocal Lens Tech in New VR Headset Prototype – Road to VR

Lemnis Demonstrates Latest Varifocal Lens Tech in New VR Headset Prototype – Road to VR

Eye-tracking is an important technology that many would consider a ‘must have’ for the next generation of VR headsets, although that’s just one step towards resolving a long-standing issue in VR that prevents users from seeing the virtual world like they would naturally in the physical world. It’s called the vergence-accommodation conflict (detailed below), and…

8 Reasons Why Eye-tracking is a Game Changer for VR

8 Reasons Why Eye-tracking is a Game Changer for VR

Eye-tracking—the ability to quickly and precisely measure the direction a user is looking while inside of a VR headset—is often talked about within the context of foveated rendering, with the hopes that it could reduce the performance requirements of VR. And while foveated rendering is an exciting use-case for eye-tracking in VR headsets, eye-tracking stands…

Oculus Research Reveals New Multi-focal Display Tech – Road to VR

Oculus Research Reveals New Multi-focal Display Tech – Road to VR

Oculus Research, the company’s R&D division, recently published a paper that goes deeper into their eye tracking-assisted, multi-focal display tech, detailing the creation of something they dub a “perceptual” testbed. Current consumer VR headsets universally present the user with a single, fixed-focus display plane, something that creates what’s known in the field as the vergence-accommodation conflict; the user simply doesn’t have…

Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens is Further Along Than You’d Think

Mojo Vision’s Smart Contact Lens is Further Along Than You’d Think

FacebookTwitterLinkedinRedditSubscribe The Entire VR Industry in One Little Email The Daily Roundup is our comprehensive coverage of the VR industry wrapped up into one daily email, delivered directly to your inbox.  Email Address Having not had a chance to see Mojo Vision’s latest smart contact lens for myself until recently, I’ll admit that I expected…

Privacy update: Cookie-free tracking is the new default

Privacy update: Cookie-free tracking is the new default

We’re happy to announce that our tracking is now 100% cookie-free by default, which means Clicky is now privacy-friendly out of the box. We mostly were before, e.g. we’ve been anonymizing IP addresses since GDPR became law, but tracking cookies were the one exception. You could disable them manually before, but now it’s the default.…

Two-factor authentication (2FA) – Clicky Blog

Two-factor authentication (2FA) – Clicky Blog

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is our latest major new feature, releasing today. 2FA helps protect your account against unauthorized access and potentially malicious actions by requiring verification via your account’s registered email address. Configure 2FA for your account here. 2FA is required once per session, and can be set up in two ways: Verify your email…

Big update for trends and graphs!

Big update for trends and graphs!

What started out as a small request to add an option to compare the same day of week instead of day of month from one year ago, ballooned into a much bigger project that took about 10 days of work. A lot of our code for graphs and trends is pretty old, so a large…