UNDERDOGS is a Smashing and Innovative Approach to VR Mechs

UNDERDOGS is a Smashing and Innovative Approach to VR Mechs

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HTC to Send a VR Headset to the ISS to Support Astronaut Mental Health

HTC to Send a VR Headset to the ISS to Support Astronaut Mental Health

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Sniper Elite is Getting a New VR Game on Quest November 30th

Sniper Elite is Getting a New VR Game on Quest November 30th

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Vampire The Masquerade Justice Review on Quest 3 and PSVR 2

Vampire The Masquerade Justice Review on Quest 3 and PSVR 2

FacebookTwitterLinkedinRedditSubscribe The Daily Roundup Newsletter Keep your finger on the pulse of the XR industry with the Daily Roundup, the most important news in one daily email.   Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 The latest VR entry into to the World of Darkness universe lets you loose on

Magic Leaps Shakes up Leadership with Ross Rosenberg at New CEO

Magic Leaps Shakes up Leadership with Ross Rosenberg at New CEO

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Beat Saber Gets Rolling Stones Music Pack on Quest, PSVR 2, & PC VR

Beat Saber Gets Rolling Stones Music Pack on Quest, PSVR 2, & PC VR

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NBA is Broadcasting a Ton of Games This Season in VR on Quest

NBA is Broadcasting a Ton of Games This Season in VR on Quest

FacebookTwitterLinkedinRedditSubscribe The Daily Roundup Newsletter Keep your finger on the pulse of the XR industry with the Daily Roundup, the most important news in one daily email.   Thank you for Signing Up Please correct the marked field(s) below. 1,true,6,Contact Email,2 The NBA announced it’s expanding the number of games it’s recording for Quest headsets by

‘Arizona Sunshine 2’ Coming to All Major VR Headsets in December, First Gameplay Trailer Here

‘Arizona Sunshine 2’ Coming to All Major VR Headsets in December, First Gameplay Trailer Here

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12 New Games Coming to Meta Quest 2 and 3 by End of 2023

12 New Games Coming to Meta Quest 2 and 3 by End of 2023

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